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Works in Progress

New Untitled Dystopian Novel - 2nd Draft
Sequel to Midnyte's Dragon Kiss - First Draft

Recent Posts

Hanover Book Expo

I was at the Hanover Book Expo on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. I got to socialize with some great authors and met a lot of great people. This was my first time doing something like this, so it was definitely a learning experience. The Hanover Writer’s chapter (which I am a member of) put this together and did a wonderful job! Kudos to Denise and Lindsey, who sat at the tables beside me and had to put up…

What I Do as a Writer

I got into writing because I like doing it. So why is it I get to do so little? I’m now working on the second draft of my next novel, and it’s going a lot slower than I would like. This is mainly due to all the many other things I need to do. Marketing, in one form or another, takes up a lot of time. It just gets so frustrating sometimes. But if I don’t do it, people…

First Draft

I finished the first draft of my latest novel this week. While I was tempted to call it a piece of crap, I decided doing so wouldn’t be fair. Instead, I realized it just looks odd because it’s not finished. Kind of like the framing of a house. It doesn’t keep the rain out, and it’s got holes you could drive a truck through. But it gives my ideas a shape—a form. A place to meet my characters and…

New Article on

New Article on Medium I’m trying my hand at writing some articles on and my first one is up. This one talks about how I carved out time to write. Hopefully, there’s a tip in there you can use. You can find at this link on…

A Teaser for Midnyte’s Dragon Kiss

Now Available!   Here’s another teaser for the book. On IG and Facebook, it’s a video. I might turn this into an ad, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated.   “Midnyte’s Dragon Kiss” is a contemporary fantasy romance. Join Lapis Midnyte as she uncovers the secrets of her murdered mother’s necklace while protecting the one she holds dear….

A Little Teaser

Here’s a little teaser on what the book’s about. I’d love to get your feedback on this type of post.   “Midnyte’s Dragon Kiss” is a contemporary fantasy romance. Join Lapis Midnyte as she uncovers the secrets of her murdered mother’s necklace while protecting the one she holds dear….