Thoughts on Writing...

Your First Draft

I finished the first draft of my latest novel this week. While I was tempted to call it a piece of crap, I decided doing so wouldn’t be fair. Instead, I realized it just looks odd because it’s not finished. Kind of like the framing of a house. It doesn’t keep the rain out, and it’s got holes you could drive a truck through. But it gives my ideas a shape—a form. A place to meet my characters and…

Perks of Writing

Some days, I ask myself, “Why do I do this?” You know. Writing. The pay is pretty bad, I frequently stay up late cranking out just a few more words, and then a review appears that makes you question everything. It’s then I realize I don’t have to do this. I could just… stop. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I love it too much. Besides, every day I write, I get just a little bit better….

The Paradox of Writing versus Marketing

Some days it gets to me. I love to write stories but don’t like marketing them. But then, if I don’t market them, no one will know to read them. And if no one reads my stories, what is the point in writing them? But if I spend time marketing them, that takes away from being able to do what I love. It’s quite the paradox….

A Timely Quote…

I ran across this quote and thought it fit with my current dilemma: How much time do I spend writing versus promoting? I target a 50/50 split, but I can’t help but feel I’m short-changing my writing….

A Look Back / A Glance Forward – January 2021

With the change in calendars, it’s time to do a recap of the past year and explore what to expect in the new one. For 2020, a lot happened. I’m not going to do a blow by blow, but I do think I can summarize things pretty succinctly—2020 was a hell of a year. I can honestly say I’m glad to have that one behind me. A Lot Happened As many households did, we chose to isolate ourselves beginning…

Tools of the Trade

I’ve heard it said that a craftsman is only as good as his tools. I was recently reminded of this while attempting to make a series of exacting cuts with my new circular saw. There was no room for error, and I was deathly afraid of making a piece of expensive scrap. True, I had carefully selected the saw for just this type of thing, but still, this was me using it. After fifteen minutes of careful cutting, the…

A Look Back And A Glance Forward

Where did the year go? Seems like 2019 started just yesterday. They say time goes faster as you get older. Well, I can certainly attest to that. Since this is the time to wax nostalgic, I thought it would be appropriate to do a quick review of 2019 and then take a glance forward into 2020 and beyond. Bear in mind that my crystal ball is broken, so any forward-looking comments are strictly my plans and could change. A…